Rail Passengers x Amtrak: Special Webinar Event

11/15/2022 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM ET




  • Free


Zoom Event


Join us on Tuesday, November 15th as we speak directly to Amtrak’s Vice President of Long Distance Service Larry Chestler about the state of passenger service, and what the future holds for America’s Railroad. 

Rail Passengers President & CEO Jim Mathews will join Mr. Chestler to discuss: 



This has been a year of ups and downs for U.S. rail passengers. The pandemic hit the travel industry hard, and we’re starting to see services come back to pre-COVID levels. It’s been far from a smooth process, however, and we’ve heard from many of you about Amtrak service issues. Almost 800 Rail Passengers members and supporters have taken our service survey since we launched it in August, and we've heard about disruptions, cancellations, last-minute rescheduling, and more. 

But it hasn’t been all doom and gloom.  Amtrak has recently announced plans for a Superliner replacement, coach passengers are coming back to the dining car, and we’ll soon see the return of traditional dining in the East.

Registration will close Monday, November 14th at Midnight Eastern. The Zoom link will be sent to you the morning of the event

We know our members have a lot of questions for Amtrak, so we’re asking registrants to submit questions before Monday, November 14th as we feel our members deserve direct answers after so many years of committed support.  Send in your topic specific questions to Madison Butler at mbutler@narprail.org with the subject line "RPA x AMTRAK Webinar."

Americans depend on Amtrak to provide safe, timely transportation. We look forward to having a conversation with Mr. Chestler about their plans for the next year, which is sure to shape our advocacy efforts for the newly-elected Congress. 

***NOTICE: Please make sure that @narprail.org email addresses are approved in your inbox and not going directly to spam.  We are getting messages from people saying that they are not receiving confirmations or the webinar links when they are sent out - though our system is showing that they were.  If you are using Gmail, please check your "promotions" folder***

Miss out on our past events? You can watch them on our YouTube channel or through our website at railpassengers.org/webinars